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Schlaf und Träume

Everyone spends part of the day (or night) doing something we call “sleep”. Almost everyone has an opinion on this, but what is sleep from a scientific point of view?
Sleep is one of the phenomena associated with the so-called “internal clock”. This internal clock is essentially regulated by genes and their products. Sleep can also be influenced by light, diet and exercise habits.

What exactly is sleep? Why do we actually sleep? How much consciousness is there during sleep? What happens when we dream? Modern sleep science is trying to find answers to these questions by investigating the genetics of the internal clock, brain activity and metabolism during sleep and while awake.

In his lecture, Erik Maronde will show what researchers have now discovered about this complex of topics. Last but not least, a better understanding of sleep and dreams represents an important contribution to modern medicine, also in the context of new and improved treatment options for sleep-associated diseases.

Symphony in the head

People are making music all over : in the Elbphilharmonie concert hall, in children’s rooms and in the most remote corners of the world. These musics could not be more different – but everywhere they determine our lives together, they touch, enliven and move us. Where does the power of music and the seemingly universal ability of mankind to make music come from? The answers lie, among other things, in the circuits of our brain. Can birdsong or the dance of a cockatoo contribute to answering this question? And to what extent is the ability to make music anchored in our genes?

In her lecture, Daniela Sammler took the audience on a scientific journey through the brain. She explained how musical ideas are transformed into flowing finger movements on the piano, how discipline and dedication shape a musician’s brain and what separates classical music from jazz. Another topic was the exploration of solo and ensemble music, which not only leads to the roots of human cognition and social interaction, but also harbours potential for pedagogy and rehabilitation.

Frankfurt has Brain

How does our brain work? Several international institutions in Frankfurt are trying to find answers to this question: The Interdisciplinary Center for Neuroscience at Goethe University Frankfurt, the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, the Ernst Strüngmann Institute have been researching – in some cases for decades – about the brain, while the non-profit Hertie Foundation has been funding neuroscience research since the early 1970s.

In addition to these institutions, the history of the city of Frankfurt also has much to offer: important personalities, events and research results related to neuroscientific topics. Some of these go back to the 19th century and thus spring from the cradle of modern brain research, so to say.

To show how much brain Frankfurt has, the neuroscientific institutions of the Main metropolis have joined forces and present the website “Frankfurt hat Hirn” on the occasion of the international Brain Awareness Week 2021.

Enjoy it!

ChatGPT and psychiatry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing psychiatry. With the help of AI language models such as ChatGPT, we could diagnose mental disorders more accurately by recognizing subtle changes in language.

These models would also be helpful in predicting therapies and creating effective treatment plans. AI bots based on these models could support therapists and accompany patients in their everyday lives. AI language models can also improve our understanding of the brain: For example, they show similarities with the behavior of people in manic, psychotic or depressive states. AI can therefore help us to better understand how the brain works. The lecture will provide an insight into the limits and possibilities of AI language models such as ChatGPT in psychiatry.

Frankfurt hat Hirn – live

Discover the fascination of the human brain at #Frankfurt hat Hirn _ Live – An evening-long experience that combines science and entertainment. Together with Frankfurt’s neuroscientific institutions, the Hertie Foundation invites you to the Jugend-Kultur-Kirche St. Peter on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

#Frankfurt hat Hirn _ Live offers deep insights into the world of neuroscience: Whether you are a high school student, university student or curious person – this event invites you to discover the secrets of the brain together.

The program includes a variety of exciting acts: Johannes Sassenroth (hr3) leads through the evening, the brain acrobat and mental magician Dr. Harry Keaton enchants the audience. Impressive ‘Flash Talks’ from the neuroscientific institutions of the Main metropolis offer fascinating insights into current research results. On the big screen, “Dr. Mondino” explains the human brain in a humorous way and at the Science Fair you can get very close to science.

Be there and experience an unforgettable evening in Frankfurt with your friends!

By the way, admission is free 😊

Further information and registration at

Internal ICNF mini-symposium

Internal ICNF mini-symposium – presenting, networking, enjoying –

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
at Campus Riedberg, Otto-Stern-Zentrum

register here
find the program here

6. rmn² lecture in Frankfurt

It was exciting to have Prof. Magdalena Götz, an award-winning neurobiologist and a leading figure in stem cell research, for the 6th rmn² lecture in Frankfurt on January 22.

Brain Prize 2023 for Erin Schuman

With the Brain Prize 2023, the Lundbeck Foundation honours the pioneering work of Erin Schuman from the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt, Christine Holt from the University of Cambridge and Michael Greenberg from Harvard Medical School. The researchers have revolutionised our understanding of how nerve cells regulate the production of the brain’s many thousands of proteins. They have uncovered crucial mechanisms for brain development and function and provided insights into the origins of neurodegenerative diseases and developmental disorders.

CRC 1080 extended

The German Research Foundation (DFG) approves third funding period for the Collaborative Research Centre 1080 Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms in Neural Homeostasis.

The CRC 1080, which started in 2013, has been extended by four years for the second time, so that the funding will continue through to 2024. Goethe University is the coordinator with Prof. Amparo Acker-Palmer as spokesperson. The DFG is providing € 2 million per year for four years of research. In the CRC 1080, scientists from various disciplines investigate how the brain and nervous system maintain stability as a complex system while also remaining accessible and flexible.

A video portrait of the Master program “Interdisciplinary neuroscience”

Students from Riedberg TV show the Master’s program “Interdisciplinary Neuroscience” in a video portrait.

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