Next public lecture
“Schlaf und Träume”
apl. Prof. Dr. Erik Maronde
Dr. Senckenbergische Anatomie
Goethe Universität
Monday, January 27, 2025
in Haus 22, Hörsaal 1 am Uniklinikum Frankfurt
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Neuroscientists from home and abroad present and discuss their data in various lecture-series during the semester.
- Internal ICNF mini-symposium, 27.9.2023
Program | Posterlist - Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn²)
7th Biennial Meeting, June 8 – 10, 2022
Program | Posterlist - Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network
6th Biennial Meeting (online), June 7 – 8, 2021
Program - Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network
5th Biennial Meeting, June 13-15, 2018
Program | Posterlist - Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn²)
4th Biennial Meeting, June 22-24, 2016
Program | Posterlist - Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn²)
3rd Biennial Meeting, June 25-27, 2014
Programm | Posterliste - ICNF-Mini-Symposium November 22, 2013
Programm - Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn2)
2. Biennial Meeting, June 20-22, 2012
Programm | Posterliste - ICNF-Mini-Symposium November 25, 2011
Programm | Posterliste - Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn2)
1. Meeting, Nov 24-26, 2010
Programm | Posterliste - ICNF-Mini-Symposium November 27, 2009
Programm | Posterliste - ICNF-Symposium “Regeneration and reorganization in the injured nervous system”, March 6-7, 2009
Ankündigungsplakat | Programm | Info | Posterliste
- ICNF-Symposium “Neuroscience in Frankfurt” 2008
Programm | Fotos - Symposium spring 2008
Programm | Fotos - Symposium spring 2007
Programm - Kick-off symposium 2006
Lecture from Prof. Dr. Rainer Klinke
History of neurosciences inFrankfurt am Main, held in honor of the ICNF kick-off symposium on November 10, 2006
Photos of the kick-off symposium
Press report in UniReport
Reine Nervensache – Die Erforschung des Gehirns als biomedizinische Herausforderung
(Purely a question of nerves – The biomedical challenge of brain research)
Press report in Wissenschaftsmagazin Forschung Frankfurt
Vielfältige Aktivitäten der Neuroszene gebündelt
(Manifold activities bundled together in the neuro-scene)