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Partnership agreed between Sigma-Aldrich and the University Clinic

PD Dr. Klaus Scholich is the contact person for a Germany-wide, as yet unique cooperation in the field of functional genomics. The partnership is between the Clinic of the JWG University in Frankfurt and Sigma-Aldrich, and Scholich’s role relates to his function as a member of the TRC (The RNAi Consortium)

Marie Curie Center of Excellence at FIAS

Prof. Dr. Jochen Triesch, fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies has received a 1,2 Mio. Euro grant from the EU for establishing a Marie Curie Center of Excellence. Within the program, computer models on plasticity and learning in the cortex will be investigated.

Blue light controls muscles of a worm

Through genetic changes, Prof. Alexander Gottschalk, Institute of Biochemistry, sensitized the nervous system of the worm Caenorhabditis elegans to light.

Researchers at ICNF receive funding totaling 80,000 euros for research projects about Alzheimer’s disease

Professor Dr. Thomas Deller, director of the Institute of Anatomy I – Clinical Neuroanatomy, Dr. Senckenbergische Anatomie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, and Dr. Peter Uhlhaas from the Frankfurt University hospital’s Laboratory for Clinical Neurophysiology and Neuroimaging receive 40,000 euros each in funding for their research projects about Alzheimer’s disease from the Alzheimer Forschung Initiative e.V (AFI).

New response pathways in the development and modulation of pain, and genetic marker for pain sensitivity discovered


Wer kann sich unter welchen Bedingungen am Wettbewerb um die EU-Fördermittel im 7. Rahmenprogramm beteiligen, wie läuft das Begutachtungsverfahren ab, wie erfolgt die Kostenerstattung?

Beteiligungsregeln für das 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm

Aufruf zur Einreichung von Projektanträgen im 7. Rahmenprogramm

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