Prof. Dr. Irmgard Tegeder
pharmazentrum frankfurt/ZAFES
Clinical Pharmacology
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University
Theodor Stern Kai 7, Bldg. 75
D-60590 Frankfurt am Main
Tel ++49 69 6301 7621
Fax ++49 69 6301 7636
E-Mail: tegeder@em.uni-frankfurt.de
Scientific Focus
This group is devoted to investigating the molecular mechanisms contributing to the development and maintenance of pain to identify and validate molecular targets for novel analgesics. We are using a multidisciplinary approach spanning molecular and cell biology, pharmacology, neuroanatomy, rodent behaviour, and experimental pain in humans.
The main current projects are focussing on:
- Tetrahydrobiopterin as intrinsic regulator of pain hypersensitivity and persistence
- Function of micoglial cells and neuroimmune interactions in neuropathic pain
- Role of Inhibitor kappa B kinase beta in primary afferent and dorsal horn neurons (IKKbeta, gamma and alpha) for the development of neuropathic pain
- Synaptic vesicle proteins as regulators of pain-evoked glutamate release and glutamate mediated excitotoxicity
- Regulation of neuronal and glial cell responses, neuronal cell death and nerve regeneration after axonal injury by granulins
- Rodent models for peripheral nerve injury and neuropathic pain, inflammatory and bone cancer pain, analysis of mechanical, heat and cold hyperalgesia and allodynia
- Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, immune-based protein/peptide analysis
- Spinal cord microdialysis in rats and mice, analytical methods for various drugs, lipid- and other mediators, glutamate
- Primary neuronal and glial cell cultures
- Experimental pain models in humans including inflammatory and muscle pain
Selected Publications
Brunkhorst-Kanaan N, Klatt-Schreiner K, Hackel J, Schroter K, Trautmann S, Hahnefeld L, Wicker S, Reif A, Thomas D, Geisslinger G, Kittel-Schneider S, Tegeder I. Targeted lipidomics reveal derangement of ceramides in major depression and bipolar disorder. Metabolism 2019, 95, 65-76. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2019.04.002
Klatt-Schreiner K, Valek L, Kang JS, Khlebtovsky A, Trautmann S, Hahnefeld L, Schreiber Y, Gurke R, Thomas D, Wilken-Schmitz A, Wicker S, Auburger G, Geisslinger G, Lötsch J, Pfeilschifter W, Djaldetti R, Tegeder I. High Glucosylceramides and Low Anandamide Contribute to Sensory Loss and Pain in Parkinson’s Disease. Mov. Disord. 2020, 35 (10), 1822-1833. doi: 10.1002/mds.28186
Tran BN, Valek L, Wilken-Schmitz A, Fuhrmann DC, Namgaladze D, Wittig I, Tegeder I. Reduced exploratory behavior in neuronal nucleoredoxin knockout mice. Redox Biol 2021, 45, 102054. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2021.102054
Vogel A, Ueberbach T, Wilken-Schmitz A, Hahnefeld L, Franck L, Weyer MP, Jungenitz T, Schmid T, Buchmann G, Freudenberg F, Brandes RP, Gurke R, Schwarzacher SW, Geisslinger G, Mittmann T, Tegeder I. Repetitive and compulsive behavior after Early-Life-Pain associated with reduced long-chain sphingolipid species. Cell Biosci. 2023, 13 (1), 155. doi: 10.1186/s13578-023-01106-3
Weyer MP, Strehle J, Schäfer MKE, Tegeder I. Repurposing of pexidartinib for microglia depletion and renewal. Pharmacol. Ther. 2023, 253, 108565. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2023.108565