Prof. Dr. Manfred Kössl
Campus Riedberg, Biologicum
Institute for Cell Biology and Neuroscience
Max-von-Laue Str.13
D-60438 Frankfurt /Main
Tel +49 (0) 69 798 42052
E-Mail: koessl@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
Scientific Focus
- Physiology and biomechanics of auditory organs in mammals and insects.
- Focus: role of auditory motor proteins in generation of high sensitivity and fine frequency resolution of hearing
- Neuronal feedback and neuromodulation in auditory midbrain, thalamus and cortex
- Developmental plasticity of the auditory cortex. Focus: developmental emergence of echo-delay sensitive neurons and cortical chronotopicity in echolocating bats
- Role of attention in processing of auditory objects in rodents and human.
- Vibration sensors in spiders.
In vivo and in vitro electrophysiology, multiple electrode recordings. neuropharmacolocical methods, bioacoustic methods, laser-interferometry, measurement of otoacoustic emissions, human psychophysics, neuroanatomical and immunohistochemical methods
Animal models: rodents, bats, insects, spiders, humans
Selected Publications
Jäger K, Kössl M (2016) Corticofugal Modulation of DPOAEs in Gerbils. Hearing Research 332: 61-72.
Macias S, Hechavarría J, Kössl M (2016) Sharp temporal tuning in the bat auditory midbrain overcomes spectral-temporal trade-off imposed by cochlear mechanics. Scientific Reports 6:29129 | DOI: 10.1038/srep29129.
Beetz MJ, Hechavarría JC, Kössl M (2016) Temporal tuning in the bat auditory cortex is sharper when studied with natural echolocation sequences. Scientific Reports 6:29102 DOI: 10.1038/srep29102
Beetz MJ, Hechavarría JC, Kössl M (2016b) Cortical neurons of bats respond best to echoes from nearest targets when listening to natural biosonar multi-echo streams. Scientific Reports 6:35991. 12p.
Hechavarria JC, Beetz MJ, Macias S. Kössl M (2016) Vocal sequences suppress spiking in the bat auditory cortex while evoking concomitant steady-state local field potentials. Scientific Reports 6:39226