Scientific Focus
In daily life, our brain operates in constant interaction with its surroundings. Therefore, activity in a neuronal population will always be shaped by several ongoing cognitive processes at once. In my research, I explore the dynamic neuronal signatures of such superimposed neuronal representations in the context of naturalistic behaviour. I do so using a variety of techniques, ranging from fMRI in humans and primates, and in vivo electrophysiology in rodents, cats, and primates, to computational modelling.
NHP electrophysiology; human fMRI
Selected Publications
Tlaie A, Shapcott K, Taylor R, Abd El Hay M, Glukhova I, Ferracci PA, Mert B, Pillow J, Havenith MN‡, Schölvinck ML‡ (2024) Thoughtful faces: inferring internal states across species using facial features. BioRXiv
Tlaie A, Shapcott K, van der Plas T, Rowland J, Lees R,Keeling J, Packer A, Tiesinga P, Schölvinck ML‡, Havenith MN‡ (2021) What does the mean mean? A simple test for neuroscience. BioRXiv, in revision at PLoS Computional Biology
Shapcott K, Weigand M, Glukhova I, Havenith MN‡, Schölvinck ML‡ (2022) DomeVR: Immersive virtual reality for primates and rodents. BioRXiv, under review at PLoS One
Engel T‡, Schölvinck ML‡, Lewis C‡ (2021) The diversity and specificity of functional connectivity across spatial and temporal scales. NeuroImage 245: 118692
Schölvinck ML‡, GençE‡, Bergmann J, Singer W, Kohler A (2016) Functional connectivity patterns of visual cortex reflect its anatomical organization. Cerebral Cortex26: 3719-3731