Schlaf und Träume
Everyone spends part of the day (or night) doing something we call “sleep”. Almost everyone has an opinion on this, but what is sleep from a scientific point of view?
Sleep is one of the phenomena associated with the so-called “internal clock”. This internal clock is essentially regulated by genes and their products. Sleep can also be influenced by light, diet and exercise habits.
What exactly is sleep? Why do we actually sleep? How much consciousness is there during sleep? What happens when we dream? Modern sleep science is trying to find answers to these questions by investigating the genetics of the internal clock, brain activity and metabolism during sleep and while awake.
In his lecture, Erik Maronde will show what researchers have now discovered about this complex of topics. Last but not least, a better understanding of sleep and dreams represents an important contribution to modern medicine, also in the context of new and improved treatment options for sleep-associated diseases.